创始合伙人 & 主席
彼得Marcum has spent his career building technology companies. As a self-taught computer programmer, 彼得在20世纪80年代初通过开发和销售一个公共住房软件包进入了信息技术领域. In 1985, he started JML Computers to build LANs and WANs. 他卖掉了JML电脑公司,来到田纳西州的纳什维尔,成为了纳什维尔电脑城的老板.
1995年,彼得创立了纳什维尔计算机清算公司,销售额达到1亿美元. NCL于2000年出售. 他共同创立了埃塞克斯技术集团,并帮助创建了一家大型在线经销商,后来成为实体店, 亨特讨价还价, 与90年 retail locations throughout the southeast. TH Lee, a private equity firm, bought 亨特讨价还价 in November of 2015.
In 2003, Peter创建了WV Fiber, 在18个美国专门从事批发带宽的一个国家光纤网络.S. and five EU colocation centers and served as its CEO. WV Fiber的客户包括Charter Cable在五个州的家庭用户、Akamai等.
WVFiber bought Usenet Server, as a subsidiary starting with 9,000个客户, 把它建到35,000在线客户, 并在2007年卖掉了它. When WV Fiber was sold in 2008, its small programming arm was not included in the sale, and later evolved into DevDigital, 有限责任公司, which offers Web and application development services. With headquarters in Nashville and a development center in Vadodara, 印度, DevDigital已经电竞赛事竞猜APP成为一家提供全方位服务的软件开发商,同时也提供搜索引擎优化服务, learning management systems, 和托管. It currently has 125 full time associates.
DevDigital已经进入股权投资领域,以进一步发挥其能力. In 2016, 内核股本是一个投资教育项目的机制, 医疗保健, 音乐, 电子商务, and other opportunities. 内核股本 offers an innovative way for DevDigital to help grow companies 这需要的不仅仅是通过提供技术知识来提供资金或规划支持, 开发经验, 和资本. There have been exits with CoreCommerce, 其他Left and Maxx Content.